A pinch of sal del mar

Last week my husband and I were invited to a small dinner party hosted by our friends, Jeanie and Bill Neubauer. Jeanie, who owns the Santa Cruz Chile Company is known for her intimate dinner parties in their house overlooking the Sea of Cortez. The Neubauers are hosts that love their guests to join in the cooking. Jeanie snapped a photo with her iPhone camera of Debra Paterson, a guest from Arizona and David Haynes from California, sautéing orange and red pepper seasoned with a pinch of Sal del Mar. It was served as an accompaniment to Sonora steaks on the grill and Caesar salad made with lettuce from Bill’s garden and ended by tastes of tequila liquors.  Buen Provecho!

To make the recipe featured in the photo:
4 - 5 red, yellow and orange bell peppers cut into ¼ inch slices
¼ cup olive oil
Splash of balsamic vinegar
Pinch of Sal del Mar sea salt

Clean, seed and slice peppers. Sauté in olive oil on low to medium heat until soft (let them sweat). When done finish with a pinch of Sal del Mar to taste and a splash of balsamic. Recipe compliments of Debra!